This doesn’t affect Server OS (so XenApp is unaffected).Netstat -ano on Windows 2012R2 – Server OS will be listening on Port 1494 | 2598 regardless. Netstat -ano on Windows 7 will not show 1494 | 2598 listening up until the time of ICA launch.

Windows 7 – Desktop OS will listen on Port 1494 only when request comes in from StoreFront or WebInterface.

That gave me mixed results until I realized that the VDA only starts listening on these ports when the user is going to connect to it. My first response was to fire up telnet and try connecting 1494/ 2598. Was troubleshooting a Citrix issue (“Failed with status 1110”) and one of the possibilities was that something is blocking the VDA ports 1494/2598 ( two other possibilities seem to be mismatched STAs or issues with the root CA certs – neither seems to be the problem in my case as only one user seems to affected).